Standing for Arkansas

A Message from Ben Gilmore

I will fiercely advocate for the unborn, protect our 2nd Amendment rights, bring government spending under control, work to lower your taxes and grow jobs, remove regulations on our industries and small businesses, pursue legislation that strengthens education and healthcare, and stand for our veterans.



  • Protecting Life

    I am 100% Pro-Life. As your state senator, I will be a fierce advocate for the unborn and defend against any effort to weaken the pro-life measures in our state.

  • Upholding Religious Liberties

    Our country was founded on biblical principles that tell us life is precious; that we are all created equal; and that the freedoms we enjoy are God-given.

  • Defending the 2nd Amendment

    Our Constitution is clear: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” I will defend our 2nd Amendment rights, and I will protect our rights to hunt and exercise self-defense.

  • Growing Jobs

    Job growth in Southeast Arkansas is my top priority. We must get government out of the way, remove job-killing regulations, and let business do what they do best – innovate and create new jobs.

  • Education: Equipping the Next Generation

    We must equip the next generation with the skills to meet business and industry needs. We have a duty to support our hardworking teachers, and we must empower parents to meet the individual needs of their children.

  • Supporting Healthcare

    First, I understand the importance of keeping healthcare close to home, and I will support our local providers to ensure that remains the case.

  • Transforming Government

    I am a common-sense fiscal conservative and an outspoken critic of wasteful government spending. As Deputy Chief of Staff to Lt. Governor Tim Griffin, I have played a key role in transforming state government, and while we have made significant progress in the last few years, we must not stop.

  • Lowering Taxes

    When it comes to taxes, Arkansas lags behind our neighboring states in the overall tax burden placed on taxpayers like you and me. While we have made significant progress in helping to lower income tax rates, we must continue to do more.

  • Supporting Our Veterans

    As the son and grandson of veterans, I understand the sacrifices—firsthand—that our veterans have made in the name of freedom. I will forever be grateful for their service to our state and nation.